Richard Douthwaite

Press Release: Feasta’s response to EU aviation proposals

Wednesday, 20th December 2006
Download a PDF version of this Press Release.

EU aviation proposals “distort competition between all forms of transport, hand windfall  profits to airlines rather than citizens, and do not provide a model for the overall reform of the EU ETS.”

Feasta suggests alternative approach…

Joined Up Thinking and Sustainability

Two Feasta Courses

The Cultivate Centre for Sustainable Living and Learning hosted two FEASTA courses in autumn 2006. Cultivate is located in Temple Bar (address below) and bookings can be made at Cultivate 01 6745773

The Economic Challenge of Sustainability

This paper, which was written for CORI Justice, gives an overview of Feasta’s ideas about economic growth, money systems, peak oil, and the need for a land value tax and for citizen carbon quotas.

by Richard Douthwaite and Emer Ó Siochrú

The full document is included below, or download a PDF version.…

The Ecology of Money

The Ecology of MoneyRead The Ecology of Money online

In The Ecology of Money, Richard Douthwaite argues that just as different insects and animals have different effects on human society and the natural world, money has different effects according to its origins and purposes. Was it created to make profits for a commercial bank, or issued by a government as a form of taxation? Or was it created by its users themselves purely to facilitate their trade? And was it made in the place where it is used, or did local people have to provide goods and services to outsiders to get enough of it to trade among themselves? The Briefing shows that it will be impossible to build a just and sustainable world, unless and until money creation is democratized. Richard says that it is potentially the most important thing he has written.