
Equity Partnerships on

Karl Deeter writes on the website about the benefits of equity partnerships for home owner-rentership… Could changing the way we purchase and own property make a difference? In the current market developments are designed to sell rather than serve as an instrument of long term cash flows, the conundrum for sellers and NAMA alike [...]

How Cutting Property Taxes Makes You Poor

by Emer O'Siochru, from the Smart Taxes Network. The Irish have a lot of learning to do about property taxes.  Following the 1903 Land Acts, the new largely Catholic landowners who displaced the largely Protestant absentee landlords, immediately sought to deny their obligation to the people of the nation that had helped them win their fine farms. [...]

Helping to regenerate: overcoming conflicts of interest in property development

The conventional way of financing property development entangles those involved in a web of debt and conflicting business interests. This week we are featuring two articles from Fleeing Vesuvius which describe a new way of organising developments that promises better buildings, more affordable rents and a stake in the outcome for everyone. Chris Cook provides an overview of this new approach and James Pike gives examples of how it could work to rescue building projects hit by the downturn in Ireland.

How a fairer property tax can be quickly implemented – even a SVT! #LVT

Excellent post by Ronan Lyons on his blog. Smart taxes is negotiating his services to find exactly how much a Site Value Tax can raise and how quickly it could be implemented in Ireland, to report by Autumn this year. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and better property databases have simplified this work beyond the valuation professionals imagination.