
Information, preferences, knowledge and belief

It is often not appreciated that human attention is a scarce good. The everyday life of many people precludes their getting much information about ecological systems and nature, or forming deep “preferences” that would mean that they would seek to protect it. By contrast, the aboriginal mentality tends to assume that land care is the main purpose of life. Rather than land belonging to them, they belong to the land. By Brian Davey.

New book from Smart Taxes: The Fair Tax – supported by history, agreed by economists, feared by the 1%

Ireland is unusual among industrialised countries in that it has no property tax. But that is about to change - and the type of property tax that is brought in will be crucial to Ireland's future. This new book from the Smart Taxes Network and Feasta explains how a poorly-designed property tax could bring about a second massive transfer of wealth from the 99% to the 1%. A Site Value Tax would be vastly preferable, and the book convincingly shows how easy it would be to assess and implement.

Launch of “The Fair Tax” in Buswell’s Hotel on the 18th September at 6.00pm

Will the 99% of Irish people be bounced into a second bailout of the elite 1% that includes the bankers, speculators and property developers? Could it be happening again under the cloak of secrecy the new Coalition has built around their new property tax? This book "The Fair Tax" compiled by the Smart Taxes network and edited by Emer Ó Siochrú is a wake up call that must not be ignored by the Irish people...

Land and Money Reform Synergy in New Zealand

This is an intriguing and very innovative concept developed in New Zealand by Deirdre Kent. The paper is very long so I will post only excerpts, the summary and autobiographic details. It links a land value tax with a new local government issued money and with a new medium of land ownership that recalls Chris Cook's Limited Liability partnership model. [...]