
Press release: Feasta climate group response to the Working Group 3 contribution to the IPCC’s fifth assessment report

We find the latest IPCC report's emphasis on climate as a "global commons problem" helpful and constructive. However, the economy must break its dependency on GDP growth in order to achieve emissions reduction without economic collapse. Fortunately the potential exists for significant co-benefits from climate mitigation, including poverty alleviation and reduced inequality. Grassroots legal action could help give teeth to the international institutions needed for cooperation.

Nick Bardsley’s reflections on the Tyndall Centre “Radical Emissions Reduction” conference

I was in two minds whether to attend this conference or not. In common with the other members of the FEASTA Climate group that had submitted paper proposals, mine was rejected. Though I was allocated a poster presentation this is usually not a great use of one’s time. In the end I decided that this was probably sour grapes on my part and that it would be good to attend to meet other like minded people, if nothing else.

If I had mixed feelings beforehand, they were more mixed afterwards. It was a good way of meeting people, and although …

What could a post-growth society look like and how should we prepare for it?

This was the theme of a massive congress held in Berlin last month. Brian Davey attended it and has written a report for Feasta in which he describes the role played by Attac and the Decroissance movement, Vandana Shiva's critique of economic growth in India, the vision of "Buen Vivir" put forward by representatives of indigenous communities of Latin America and the new relationship being forged between the greens and the left in Europe.

The Economic Challenge of Sustainability

This paper, which was written for CORI Justice, gives an overview of Feasta’s ideas about economic growth, money systems, peak oil, and the need for a land value tax and for citizen carbon quotas.

by Richard Douthwaite and Emer Ó Siochrú

The full document is included below, or download a PDF version.…