peak oil

Occupy Education: Two reviews

In her review of Tina Evans' new book Occupy Education, Anne Ryan writes that it is"part of a lineage that seeks to repair the conceptual rift between humans and nature which exists in western society". The book explores the role that a well-developed pedagogy of sustainability could play in the quest for solutions to our ecological and social challenges. There's a strong emphasis on practical action such as localised food production. Ryan's full review can be read here, along with that of Mark Garavan who believes the book to be "an important contribution to the task of transforming our world."

Climate Change and Peak Oil: two sides of the same coin?

This talk given by David Knight on July 4th describes three possible future scenarios: runaway climate change; collapse triggered by peak oil; and "green future". He takes into account recent claims that peak oil can be postponed by the adoption of unconventional methods of oil production, and he concludes by presenting a wish list of actions by governments and citizens.