fossil fuel

UNIPCC Report presents compelling evidence that economy must be cured of its fossil fuel dependency

In response to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report on the dangers of climate change, the climate group of Feasta points out that binding emissions caps are essential to effective climate change policy and that such caps need to include a mechanism for fairly distributing the funds generated by the sales of emissions permits. Legal action may provide the key to effective climate justice.

Economic growth, population growth and climate change

This newly-updated paper by David Knight presents abundant evidence that economic growth, rather than population growth, is the main determinant of increased fossil fuel emissions. Planned carbon and economic descent and a more even distribution of income between the richest individuals and countries and the poorest would provide the quickest, fairest and most effective means of reducing emissions.

Climate Change and Peak Oil: two sides of the same coin?

This talk given by David Knight on July 4th describes three possible future scenarios: runaway climate change; collapse triggered by peak oil; and "green future". He takes into account recent claims that peak oil can be postponed by the adoption of unconventional methods of oil production, and he concludes by presenting a wish list of actions by governments and citizens.