
How Radical was the Radical Emissions Reduction Conference really?

In this article about the Tyndall Centre’s Radical Emissions Reductions Conference I want to write the things that I wanted to say in this conference but was unable to.

First of all though I want to say why I was not able to say these things. The reason was that this conference was organised in such a way that I had no opportunity to say them. It was organised almost entirely in plenary sessions with no break out discussions at all. Those of us who were not speakers could put our hands up but when we did get the opportunity …

Cultivating hope and managing despair

from Fleeing Vesuvius. Psychologist John Sharry describes how societies are struggling to come to terms with the nature and extent of the changes facing them both now and in the future. Modern psychological models of motivation and change, and of how people deal with threat and loss, suggest strategies that can be used to help individuals change and to galvanise communities into collective action.

Barcelona Degrowth Conference

Date and Time: 26th – 29th March 2010

Venue: University of Barcelona, Plaça Universitat, Barcelona, Spain

Details at

Feasta members conducted three workshops at this conference. They were on non-debt money systems, on financing arrangements compatible with a static or shrinking economy, and on economic democracy. You can download the steering papers for their workshops by clicking on the underlined words. The slides Richard Douthwaite showed during his talk are here.…