
Submission to the Irish Commission on Taxation

This submission covers a range of topics related to taxation. It includes an outline of the reasoning behind Feasta’s advocacy of a shift from taxes on work to taxes on rent (such as a land value tax) and the need for a quota system to control carbon emissions.

This submission can be downloaded as a PDF Version.…

Sustainable Residential Developments in Urban Areas

Response to Irish Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government Consultation Call Feb 2008:

by Emer Ó Siochrú

In general, we welcome these Guidelines and Urban Design Manual as they comprise a good outline of current best practice, an improvement on the current situation. But we fear that the Guidelines are too late; they address an economic reality that is rapidly changing; they largely ignore pressures in rural areas and they are not ambitious enough to properly address the energy, climate and social challenges currently facing Ireland.

PDF Version (175 K)…

Submission to the Irish Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government on their guidelines for Carbon Cycles and Sinks

Feasta made this submission in collaboration with CELT (Centre for Environmental Living and Training). It explains the reasoning behind using carbon sinks as a way to mitigate climate change and suggests ways to incorporate the use of sinks into existing agricultural practice in Ireland.

The full submission can be downloaded as a PDF Version

Climate Change: First, the bad news, then the good – David Wasdell and Peter Read

Feasta, in association with the Trinity Greens presented
The Will Howard Memorial Lecture:

Climate Change: First, the bad news, then the good.

Please click on the poster to open a full-size, printable pdf version. (250 K)

7.30pm, April 18th, 2008

Emmett Lecture Theatre

Trinity College, Dublin.

Admission free but donations requested.


David Wasdell, Director of the Meridian Programme, a world-renowned expert in the dynamics of climate change, delivered the bad news: Feedback Dynamics and the Acceleration of Climate Change. He argued that because many feedback mechanisms have been ignored, the pace at which climate change is now …

EENGO submission to the Irish National Sustainable Development Strategy

The Environmental (Ecological) NGO is an umbrella group of Irish NGOs which includes Feasta, and this submission to the Irish National Sustainable Development Strategy discusses the urgent need for a change in Irish governmental policy on the environment. It emphasises the need for effective risk management, a focus on wellbeing rather than GDP as a goal, recognition of commons rights in addition to information, communication and participation rights, and decentralised and democratised energy and carbon capture.…