
Bruce Darrell – Climate, Energy, Nutrition and the Glorification of Kale; a framework to create regional food security.

Bruce Darrell thinks that a secure food supply is an essential part of the response to the climate, energy, economic and health crises. As state planning for such a supply has been grossly inadequate, he detailed the key actions that we need to take at a personal, community and regional level to compensate.

Mark Rutledge – Cap and Share: mechanisms to share scarce resources and provide economic incentives for renewable energy and efficiency investment.

Mark Rutledge argued that the adoption of Cap and Share, Feasta's proposed framework for a global climate treaty, is a necessary tool for dealing with peak oil and the current world recession. Unless it is used, he said, any economic recovery will be strangled at birth as oil prices rise again.

Alex Evans – Global Framework for Climate Change

Alex Evans' report on climate change and global institutional reform was published by the Center on International Co-operation earlier this year. He presented the case for basing a framework for dealing with the climate crisis on a scientifically derived stabilisation target. Such a framework should also share the global carbon budget out between the world's nations according to a transparent, equitable formula.

Chris Vernon – Net Energy, Energy Scenarios & Climate Change

Chris Vernon surveyed the prospects for oil, gas and coal supplies over the next 50 years. He argued that, because the energy cost of producing these fuels is rising as more difficult sources have to be used, the actual amount of energy that will be available for other purposes will fall off more quickly than has been recognised so far.