How do we survive tomorrow? October 12, 6-pm, Nottingham

This conversation organised by the University of Nottingham featured Brian Davey and Alan Simpson, the sustainable economics advisor to the shadow chancellor in the UK. The event was chaired by Andreas Bieler, Co-Director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) at Nottingham University.…

The future of renewable energy

Brian Davey argues that it will be difficult to bring a new, renewables-based energy sector into existence when the economy is stagnant and people will struggle to afford expensive innovation. Paradoxically in these circumstances it is likely to be many older technologies that will make sense again - perhaps in a reworked form.

The tyranny of enlightenment

"My new tale to call us back (and then forward) is no less than a journey to reclaim the soul – that is personally and communally as a culture. It is not how to steer clear of the iceberg, but how to return our tickets and disembark," writes Patrick Noble.

Submission on the Irish bioeconomy

This submission to an interdepartmental group in the Irish government argues that much greater emphasis needs to be placed on maintenance, stability and resilience when developing policy on the bioeconomy. It also describes some programmes and changes to the tax system that we believe could help with this.

Submission on the River Basin Management Plan

We propose that the Irish government incorporate tree-planting and soil-building measures into the next round of water framework directive works, in order to shift the focus from Irish agriculture as a net environmental problem to Irish agriculture as a world leader in ecologically sustainable methodologies and practices.