Climate dividends and the yellow vests

"Climate dividends, which return money from a carbon price back to people, provides a direct solution to the yellow vests' concerns, while putting income inequality on equal footing with climate concerns," argues Mike Sandler.

Speed and localism

"If we are to mitigate catastrophic climate change and also reverse the catastrophically increasing chasm between rich and poor, first, we must reclaim the common," writes Patrick Noble in a second excerpt from his new book.

“The oceans are rising, and so are we”: speech given at the UN climate talks on Climate Case Ireland

Ireland is one of six legal cases brought against Governments worldwide seeking stronger action against national greenhouse gas emissions which are being highlighted today at the UN Climate talks in Katowice, Poland. Clodagh Daly, speaking on behalf of Climate Case Ireland, joined speakers representing legal challenges against the European Union, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and the US Federal Government.