According to a German study, it is possible for the European economy to
phase out the use of both nuclear energy and fossil fuels by 2050 while
maintaining living standards. Doing this, however, requires decisions to be
taken now, so that future energy demands are minimised.
Emissions of carbon dioxide account for about
55% of the human influence on the greenhouse
effect (Loske 1996) and most of these emissions
come from energy conversion processes.
If the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) is right and the anthropogenic
greenhouse effect is real (see IPCC 2001, p. 4),
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need to be
reduced enough to restrict long term global surface
temperature changes to less than 30C (see
IPCC 2001, p. 22).
This is especially true for CO2 emissions, the
main cause of the problem. The IPCC scenarios
show that if CO2 concentrations are to be stablised
at 450 parts per million (ppmv), a level
that ought to limit temperature change to less
than 30C, the present emission level of 8 gigatonnes
of carbon a year (Gt C/a) would have to
be reduced by about half by 2050 and to about
1 Gt C/a by the year 2200. As WRE450, the
lowest line in Figure 2C1 (a), shows, emissions
of CO2 would need to peak within 10 to 15
years from now to allow a transition to an emission
pathway leading to a long term concentration
of approximately 450 ppmv. Because the CO2 emissions from energy conversion
processes are caused by the combustion
of fossil fuels, the use of these fuels has to be
reduced massively within the next fifty years.
Industrialised nations have contributed most of
the past increase in GHG concentrations in the
atmosphere, so the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
assumes that these countries will take special
steps (UNFCCC Article 4) to prevent dangerous
interferences with the global climate. The
German Parliament's first commission on global
climate change concluded that industrialised
countries should reduce their GHG emissions to
20% of their 1990 emission level by 2050
(Deutscher Bundestag 1991, p. 867). See
Figure 2C2. This 80% cut means that the use of
fossil fuels has to be reduced accordingly.
Since the reactor accident at Chernobyl there
has been serious doubt whether nuclear power
can safely replace fossil fuels for energy generation
to the extent required to achieve this level
of reduction of GHG emissions. In countries
like Germany, Austria, Sweden or Denmark
there is massive resistance in the population to
even the modest use of nuclear power.
Moreover, as the uranium resources available
seem to be as limited as our reserves of oil and
natural gas, and since the problem of very long
term storage of spent nuclear fuel has not yet
been solved, it seems to be rather unlikely that
a future energy system will primarily be based
on nuclear energy.
If we accept these two assumptions, a future
sustainable energy system has to be based on
renewable energy sources. Considering that the
Earth will provide us with suitable living conditions
in the solar system for something like 800
million years, that the internal resources of the
planet are definitely limited by its physical size,
and that the only resource income from outside
the planet is solar radiation, it is quite obvious
that this outside energy income will be the only
long term energy source for a sustainable energy
supply. Knowing the solar energy income is
about 3.5*106 EJ/a and the anthropogenic
world energy consumption of 1999 was about
406 EJ/a (see BMWi 2002, p. 39) it is quite
obvious that the amount of direct and indirect
solar energy available will be sufficient to cover
the energy needs of mankind for all the time
this planet will be habitable. The remaining
lifetime of the sun is estimated to be about 5 billion
years. Thus, there will certainly be sufficient
solar energy available for the entire time
that human beings may live on this planet.
Renewable energy sources are used to only a
limited extent at present. They provided only
3.2% of the world consumption of commercial
fuels in 1998 (Fischer 2002, table on world
energy consumption). This limited use is due to
the relatively high internal costs of the use of
renewable energy sources. As energy markets
do not take into account the external cost of the
environmental and health damage caused by the
use of fossil fuels or nuclear energy, investors
choose to develop conventional rather than
renewable energy sources (see e.g. Hohmeyer
1988, p. 108f). Thus, a transition to a renewable
energy based sustainable energy system will
need a policy framework that internalises the
long term external costs of all energy sources
including long term impacts on global climate
As renewable energy sources will be relatively
expensive compared with present conventional
ones, future energy systems can be expected to
use energy far more efficiently. What would
such an energy system look like and could the
transition to it be possible within the time frame
set by the necessity to avert a catastrophic global
climate change?
In 1993, a European research consortium, the
LTI-Research Group, reported on what might
be involved if the fifteen countries that were
then members of the EU, the EU15, attempted
to develop a sustainable, renewables-based
energy system by 2050. Would it be possible to
phase out nuclear energy while at the same time
reducing CO2 emissions by 80%? (LTIResearch
Group, 1998, p.1). Most of the rest of
this paper is based on the results of the LTI project.
As the LTI project had a broad perspective on
sustainable development, some basic assumptions
were made beyond the energy system. The
most important of these were:
Some of these assumptions like the ban on the
import of energy or the changes in diet are
rather restrictive. Most restrictions on lifestyle
could be relaxed, however, if substantial
imports of secondary energy produced by
renewable energy sources outside the area of
EU15 were allowed. Most of this would be
electricity and hydrogen produced in Northern
Africa, where a vast solar radiation resource is
The 50-year timeframe adopted by LTI was
chosen on the basis that the transition to a sustainable
energy system needs to be achieved by
2050 in order to decrease GHG emissions sufficiently
to stabilise the concentration of CO2 at
about 450 ppmv. Did the study show that this
was long enough to allow for all the necessary
changes and adjustments to be made?
The productive capital stock of an economy is
turned over at intervals anywhere between four
(computing equipment) and 40 years (coal or
nuclear power plants). Only the stock of private
and public buildings, pipelines and large
hydropower dams usually has an average
turnover time of considerably more than 50
years. Thus, almost all the capital stock existing
today will either be renewed or fundamentally
renovated by 2050. This allows almost all energy
relevant equipment to be rebuilt or, in the
case of buildings, fundamentally renovated at
least once before 2050. No capital stock has to
be retired prematurely. Consequently, with no
stranded investment to be written off, investment
costs can be minimised.
Substantial changes in energy investment policy
need be made early on, however. Investments
in new power plants need to be considered in
the light of their contribution to GHG emissions
over their entire expected lifetime. This is especially
important in the case of large coal power
plants that can be expected to operate for 40 or
more years after completion. No large coalfired
power plant should be built in the EU
again. A single 700 MW power plant would
emit about 3 million tonnes of CO2 per year, a
large part of the total amount of the emissions
permitted for the whole of Germany in 2050,
200 million tonnes per year. The operation of
such a plant would close off many other CO2
emitting activities.
Another policy area where rapid change is
required is that new buildings and factories
should be sited to reduce unnecessary transport
as otherwise it will take decades to bring about
considerable energy savings in transportation.
Because energy and transport are currently
cheap, environmental damage is not costed and
there are big differences in wages between various
parts of the world, we are putting in place
systems that are extremely transport intensive.
The internalisation of all the external costs of
transport would be a big step forward as it
would bring about a long-term change in the
location of production relative to the markets
where the products were to be sold.
With short-lived energy-relevant equipment like
cars we can improve the situation gradually.
Although, by 2050 average consumption of
passenger cars should be 2 litres of fuel/100km,
we do not need to jump to the 2 litre car by next
year as the stock of cars will be turned over a
number of times before 2050.
Although most technologies for renewable
energy production and the more efficient use of
energy are available today, many of them have
not enjoyed the cost reductions that will come
about when they mature and move into mass
production. As we have seen in the case of wind
energy during the last twenty years, the costs of
energy technologies can be reduced along technical
learning curves (see Figure 2C3 below
and e.g. Dieckmann 2002). Broadly speaking,
the cost reductions until the late 1980s can be
attributed to improvements in wind energy
technology while most of the cost reductions
since are due to series production and learning
about the production process. The rounded
curve is a fitted trend line with the estimated
function given in the graph.
The Danish and German success with wind
energy shows that fair competitive pricing as a
result of the internalisation of external costs is
necessary for the market diffusion of a renewable
energy technology. Indeed, fair pricing
seems to be as important as the development of
the technology itself as it permits all further
technology development and cost reductions to
be achieved by private agents in the energy
As a result of the increased price paid for wind
energy in Germany since 1991 - the increase
was based on a first estimate of the difference in
external costs between wind and fossil sources
- the installed capacity of wind turbines rose
from less than 68 MW in 1990 to more than
10,000 MW in 2002. (10,639 MW by
September 30th 2002). This was despite the fact
that Germany has a rather unfavourable onshore
wind energy resource. In addition, applications
to install turbines with a capacity of
about 59,000 Mw in offshore wind parks have
been filed with the federal administration as a
result of the increased rate paid for offshore
wind electricity since April 2000.
Although this rate of capacity growth is rather
impressive, there is a danger that instruments for
increased market diffusion like paying higher
prices for electricity fed into the public grid can
be used too early. Pushing the diffusion of an
immature technology can cause substantial losses
to society. If a technology is in an early phase
of technical development and a number of competing
basic designs are available, one of these
designs might be cheaper than the others when
the massive diffusion policy is introduced.
The LTI project assumed that, on average, each
person in the EU15 would reduce their total primary
energy consumption to 1700 W/cap in
2050. This compares with a consumption of
4500 W/cap in 1990. Renewable energy sources
would supply 95% of this reduced amount of
power as nuclear energy would be phased out by
2010, coal was not to be used after 2045, and oil
and gas would only be used in rather small quantities.
Looking at the different sectors of the economy
in Figure 2C5 we find that industry's demand
falls from 1060 W/cap in 1990 to 400 W/cap in
2050, household energy demand (without transportation)
is reduced from 844 to 296 W/cap,
and the energy demand for transport goes down
from 1033 to 144 W/cap. The reductions in
transport are due to both increased efficiency
and rather drastic reductions in the distances
travelled. This last assumption may well be contested.
The energy demand from the commercial
sector (services) goes up, however, from 329 to
389 W/cap. This is due to a radical restructuring
of the economy with more services being necessary
because of lower levels of material use.
If this overall reduction in energy consumption
can be achieved, less than half the primary energy
needed in 1990 will be necessary to run the
EU15 in 2050. Figure 2C6 shows how this fall
can be used to phase out fossil fuels and nuclear
energy apart from a small amount of mineral oil
(80 W/cap), which will be used in transportation.
As conventional fuels are phased out over the 50
years, renewable energy sources will start to play
an increasingly important role. While these energy
sources supplied only about 3% of all primary
energy in 2000 their share increases to 95% of all
energy used in 2050. Figure 2C7 shows the phasing
in of the different renewable energy sources
in EU15 under the sustainable energy scenario.
In 2050 the largest share of all renewables will
come from biomass (500 W/cap), which has a
central role to play in the future energy system,
as it can be used to produce liquid fuels for transportation
and it can be stored without energyconsuming
conversion processes. Second in
volume will be solar thermal heat contributing
330 W/cap. While the use of biomass and
hydropower already supply substantial
amounts of energy today, it is assumed that
solar thermal heat like most of the other
renewable sources start to contribute sizeable
amounts only after 2000. Third in volume will
be wind energy contributing about 210 W/cap
with most of the resource being located in
coastal areas and more than two thirds being
generated from offshore wind farms. Solar thermal
power plants located in Southern Europe
will contribute about 180 W/cap to the electricity
generation of EU15. For both wind and solar
thermal power plants, the installations will
mainly be large central installations feeding into
an integrated European electricity grid. By contrast,
photovoltaic electricity production (PV)
will be done by decentralised installations on
roofs contributing about 150 W/cap. Comparing
the available resources and the present system
costs for wind and PV would lead me to somewhat
different assumptions concerning the scenario
with substantially larger share of wind
energy (which is comparatively inexpensive and
only used to 17% offshore) and a rather small
share of PV (which is by far the most expensive
source of energy used) in the overall system. As
Figure 2C7 shows, all renewable energy technologies
expand at a similar pace between 2000
and 2050, most rapidly between 2020 and 2040
and rather more slowly after that.
The project checked not only whether the total
amount of energy would be adequate to meet the
system's needs but also whether there would be
enough at different times of year and different
times of day.
By 2050 only 82 W/cap of oil will be used in the
system, solely in transportation. Even if one
does not agree with all assumptions LTI made,
the reduction pathways for specific energy use
and the expansion pathways for the use of
renewable energy sources calculated for the
group's scenario show that a transition to a sustainable
energy system is possible for EU15
within the next 50 years, the time span available
for such a transition with respect to global climate
As shown is Figure 2C8, the CO2 emissions due
to the use of energy in EU15 can be reduced by
90% in 2050 as compared to the starting point in
1990. Thus, more than the necessary reductions
in greenhouse gases (80%) is possible
within the given time frame.
What is more,
other important pollutants will be reduced
simultaneously by 63% at the minimum (NOx)
and 99% at the maximum (SO2). Thus, the
resulting energy system is not just climate
friendly but it will reduce pollution in many
important aspects quite drastically.
Nevertheless, it will be necessary to find additional
ways of reducing emissions of volatile
organic compounds (VOC) and of nitrogen
oxides, NOx.
We may conclude that it is possible to change
the energy system of EU15 into a sustainable
energy system by the middle of this century
and thus achieve the necessary reductions in
greenhouse gases (GHGs) to stabilize their
concentrations at comparatively low levels -
provided that other countries change their
energy systems too.
The costs of the sustainable energy system are
not prohibitively high. Figure 2C9, shows that
the 'total annual cost' of a conventional system
would be €182 billion compared with €254 billion
for the sustainable system. If the external
costs of the conventional system apart from the
global warming are taken into account, its cost
rises to €218 billion a year. And if the cost of
global warming is added too, the total is €754
billion a year. Thus, we can conclude that the
sustainable energy scenario achieves its goal,
namely the reduction to GHGs below critical
levels, at comparatively low cost.
Finally, the direct and indirect employment
effects of the sustainable energy scenario have
been analysed and compared with those of
conventional energy sources. This analysis
resulted in gross annual employment effects of
the sustainable scenario of 3.8 million personyears
in 2050 which compare to 3.2 to 3.4 million
person years of employment that would be
created by conventional energy sources. Thus,
the net impact of the sustainable scenario on
employment would be positive in the range of
340,000 to 580,000 person-years in 2050.
Although such employment effects should not
be the prime reason for making the transition to
renewable energy systems, knowing that the net
effect on employment will be positive makes for
an easier decision.
Looking at the issue of the time required for a
European transition to renewables from the perspective
of the necessary transition to avoid substantial
human interference with the global climate
system, which at the moment seems to be
the most urgent reason for such a change, we
can conclude on the basis of some first evidence
that such a transition is:
Nevertheless, this paper does not address the
question of the minimum time required for such
a transition from the present system to a sustainable
energy system based almost exclusively on
renewable energy sources. Looking at the operational
lifetime of a large conventional power
plant of about 40 years, it is plausible that it will
take in the order of at least 30 to 40 years to
achieve such transition without creating problems
of stranded investment and the resulting
substantial costs to society. If necessary for
other reasons, however, a transition can probably
be achieved in a substantially shorter time
span, if stranded investment and high costs to
the economy are accepted. At the moment this
does not seem to be necessary.
Drawing the conclusion that the transition is
possible within the given time frame underscores
at the same time the fact that such a low
cost transition will only be possible if we take
the necessary steps as soon as possible. We need
to decide within the next few years not to invest
into long-lasting high CO2 emission technologies
any more. Which is to say that no coal fired
or nuclear power plants should ever be built in
Europe again.
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (no year): Energiedaten 2002 - Nationale und internationale
Entwicklungen, Berlin
Deutscher Bundestag (ed.) (1991): Protecting the Earth - A Status Report with Recommendations for a New Energy Policy.
Third Report of the Enquete Commission of the 11th German Bundestag 'Preventive Measures to Protect the Earth's
Atmosphere'. Volume 2. No publisher, Bonn
LTI-Research Group (ed.) (1998): Long-Term Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the European Energy System.
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
Loske, Reinhard (1996): Klimapolitik im Spannungsfeld von Kurzzeitinteressen und Langzeiterfordernissen. Metropolis
Verlag, Marburg
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] (2001): Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report. A Contribution of
Working Groups I, II, and III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [Watson,
R. T. and the Core Writing Team (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Albrecht, Birgit et al. (eds) (2001): Der digitalte Fischer Weltalmanach 2002. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt a. M.
Hohmeyer, Olav (1988): Social Costs of Energy Consumption: External Effects of Electricity Generation in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Vahrenholt, Fritz (2001): Globale Tendenzen der zukünftigen Energieversorgung. Manuscript published on the internet as
PDF document retrieved on October 18th 2002 from
BWE (2002): Zahlen zur Windenergie. Table retrieved on October 27th 2002 from
Diekmann, Jochen (2002): Förderung der Windenergie erfolgreich. DIW-Wochenbericht 9/02. Retrieved as html-file on
October 26th 2002 from
United Nations (1992): United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Retrieved as PDF-file on October 20th
2002 from
This is one of almost 50
chapters and articles in the 336-page large format book, Before the Wells
Run Dry. Copies of the book are available for £9.95 from Green Books. Continue to Section D of Part Two: Building a Lean Economy for a fuel-poor future
As a result, manufacturers will invest substantial
sums in production facilities for the cheaper
technology and rush to market offering that
design, which will accordingly develop faster
than its rivals. The manufacturers will then
become reluctant to try other designs in order
not to risk their investment in a specific production
technology and in their specialised know
how. But the design they chose might turn out to
be more expensive in the long run than competing
designs with a higher initial cost. The
reduced interest loans available to purchasers of
PV equipment under the German 100,000 roof
programme combined with the high price paid
for the electricity they feed into the public grid -
approximately 0.5€/kWh - may be locking manufacturers
into the production of polycrystalline
silicon cells rather than thin film cells.
If support for photovoltaics is given too soon the interior technology, A, might become entrenched in the market. 2.3 THE PATHWAYS CHOSEN IN THE LTI