The Feasta Review, number 1

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Panel: The distributed generation revolution

The electrical system we're now using is analogous to the state of computer technology in the late 1970s or early 1980s. It's powered mostly by mainframes (large, centralised power stations). And personal computers (micropower in the form of fuel cells, microturbines, solar panels and wind) are only beginning to emerge.

The 'distributed generation' alternative to the big power plant is to build lots of smaller micro power plants. Homeowners should be offered incentives to meet much of their own needs and utilise their extra capacity during peak periods in the middle of the day when our houses are empty and we're all at work. These micro sites are then tied together into a power 'smart' network... just like we've done with our computers to accomplish 'distributed computing' or distributed processing.

- Michael Powers

Return to Michael Layden's article: Outdated Thinking Slows Ireland's Progress Towards Energy Sustainability



This panel is from the first Feasta Review, a 204-page large format book. Copies of the book are available for £9.95 from Green Books.

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