Fleeing Vesuvius comments

Comment on The psychological roots of resource overconsumption by Floro

I'm afraid that Nate Hagens, whose expertise is in Finance and natural resources, has ventured into territory for which he lacks the background knowledge. I may have misread him, but I get the impression that in his discussion of STATUS and NOVELTy, Hagens is unwittingly or unconsciously reading modern capitalist values into the alleged facts of human evolution and resorting to social Darwinism which has been discredited. Hagens' discussion of status seems to be underpinned (again unconsciously) by a capitalist class ideology. In many neolithic peoples, status was based more on cooperation than on competition. The group member who gets status usually is the person who not only has the best knowledge and skills in performing tasks for survivial, but also, and more importantly, has the knack for organizing or orchestrating cooperative behaviour among the members. A classic example is the Navigator who leads a crew in a voyaging canoe in pre-Historic Oceania. Such trans-Oceanic voyages--with no navigational instruments and based soley on "reading" the stars at night and the swell patterns during the day--depended on a high level of coordination and cooperation among the crew, and this made possible the peopling of the scattered atolls in the Pacific Ocean. This is how it worked: The Navigator is in command during the voyage and usually becomes the chief when the voyaging canoe ends in landfall (thereupon the passengers in the canoe--men, women and children--start colonising the land. But here's the rub--the privilege of reproduction is not limited to the navigator or chief. In fact, everyone--including the lower status members--gets to mate. In such a culture, women are not considered prizes for the most able or strongest men. Indeed, women can have more than one mate (this ensures that no one gets left behind--remember the motto in wonerful animation, set in Hawaii, "Lilo and Stitch"?) Unfortunately, Hagen's notion of mating harks back to the Social Darwinist notion (now proven to be false) that humhans behaved much like Baboons or chimpanzees or the great apes--in which the strongest male had monopoly of all the women. This was NOT--probably NEVER--the case among the sea-faring Austronesian peoples of neolithic times (about 5,000 years ago) or, for that matter, among the hunter-gathering 'Kung peoples of the Kalahari, as well as the hunting-gathering mountain Mangyans or Agtas (mislabeled as "Negritoes" in the past) of the Philippines. Among these peoples, status was based on knowledge, skill and cooperation--and not on the acquisition of wealth or the consumption of resources. This is a crucial point. This later trait of needing to use resources and accumulate wealth is, I'm afraid, more a product of the culture of capitalism (which emerged over 500 years ago, accoring to the World Systems theorists). My point is that the hunting-gathering as well as voyaging cultures are probably better models for envisioning our post-capitalist, post-industrial, post-carbon future. As a corrective to a discredited reductionist social darwinism, may I suggest that we brush up on recent developments in cultural anthropology, and also read Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or Erik Erikson's stages of psycho-social development--which views human growth and development in terms of the epigenetic interaction between genes and the environment, within a soci-cultural context--in which cooperation (not acquisition and consumpiton of resources) is the crucial factor. These are much better models than the model of status and novelty, which flows from an unconsciously presumed capitalist mind-set. INCIDENTALLY, WHY IS THE WORD CAPITALISM TABOO IN THE ESSAYS OF FLEEING VESUVIUS?. Do I detect an unconscious bias here? Or a fear of antagonizing the Right?

Comment on Definancialisation, deglobalisation and relocalisation by Graham Barnes

Tend to agree with that. It probably springs from Dmitry's strong focus on self-sufficient 'lifeboat' responses to the crises. This can be a problem with many of the doom and gloom analyses - they seem implicitly or explicitly to rubbish many of the grass roots initiatives that try to work (for the time being at least) with the world as it is. This 'carelessness' can offend people doing great work in those communities. The real impact of local currency initiatives to date is, though, an issue worth discussion. While they have often done well in terms of local identity and local networking, the impact on local economic health and liquidity has been limited; and the scalability of these initiatives to regional or national level has been elusive. All issues being confrionted by the Liquidity Network projects.

Comment on Definancialisation, deglobalisation and relocalisation by Floro

Either Orlov betrays ignorance of the vast literature on community currency or I betray a pathetic inability to comprehend his argument--namely, that the notion that "local/alternative currencies can help" is a "misleading idea". The examples he talks about refer to conventional money (legal tender)-money that is created by debt. It is precisely because this type of money makes us (when we use it) "cede power to" or "empower" those who create it (the banks) that alternative/community currencies were invented and in fact are now being productively used worldwide. Or, is Orlov arguing that there is no difference between conventional currency (the dollar or Euro or yen) and community currency (LETS, timebanks, Ithaca dollars, etc)? But if Orlov thinks so, he must explain and prove it--instead of just asserting it by "argumentum ad autoritatem" (it is true because I say so). It is a pity that such an important topic-- alternative/local/community currency--involving a huge volume of literature (in the internet as well as in journals, magazines and books) is reduced to a small misleading paragraph of assertions ad autoritatem by Orlov. This paragraph mars Orlov's otherswise insightful essay. It stands out as a sore thumb in the book. I suggest that this portion "Misleading Idea No.1" be rewritten by Orlov--to do justice to the theme of the book and to be consistent with the rest of the book's excellent essays.