About David Knight

Dr David Knight has parallel existences as: an academic scientist (Biophysics, Biochemistry, Ultrastructural Analysis); an activist with interests in climate change and civil and military nuclear power; an inventor of surgical devices based on silk; teacher of medical sciences and ecology; and sculptor. He is currently an Honorary Research Associate in Zoology at Oxford University and has held three visiting professorships and a visiting fellowship at MRC MBL Cambridge. He is interested in economics, theology and Jungian psychotherapy but has no expertise in these. He is has a lovely immediate family: wife, two children and five grandchildren. He is a contributor to Feasta's book Sharing for Survival.

David Knight has written 8 articles so far, you can find them below.

Update on the climate change litigation mock trial

Here's an update from David Knight on the mock trial that Feasta climate group members are organising along with a team of legal collaborators, which will take place in January 2016 at University College London, as a precursor to a real trial. The team is inspired and encouraged by the recent legal victory in the Netherlands on climate change. David writes "the mock and real trial are likely to cause a stir in Westminster and generate a lot of useful publicity".

Divestment from fossil fuels: a critical appraisal

David Knight considers four possible reasons for divestment from fossil fuels. He concludes that divestment can help to bring about changes needed to tackle the negative impacts of fossil fuel production and use, but it cannot substitute for concerted and rigorous action at international and national governmental levels to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

Update on the “Sink or Sue” climate litigation project

Here's an update by David Knight on the Feasta climate group's plan to organize a mock trial next year, in partnership with a large group of allies, many of whom already have legal experience relating to climate change. The mock trial will be an initial step towards a real court action and would develop and test a claim against a fictitious British Fossil fuel company for contributing to the damage caused by climate change.

The 21st century population crash

Chris Nelder’s post on the Smart Planet blog is provocative but largely omits the impact of income and wealth on resource use.

Economic growth, population growth and climate change

This newly-updated paper by David Knight presents abundant evidence that economic growth, rather than population growth, is the main determinant of increased fossil fuel emissions. Planned carbon and economic descent and a more even distribution of income between the richest individuals and countries and the poorest would provide the quickest, fairest and most effective means of reducing emissions.

Climate Change and Peak Oil: two sides of the same coin?

This talk given by David Knight on July 4th describes three possible future scenarios: runaway climate change; collapse triggered by peak oil; and "green future". He takes into account recent claims that peak oil can be postponed by the adoption of unconventional methods of oil production, and he concludes by presenting a wish list of actions by governments and citizens.