Humanity is faced with a series of devastating challenges that will utterly change our civilisation and dramatically impact our everyday life. These interrelated challenges include climate breakdown, bio-diversity collapse, resource scarcity, economic collapse, war and political instability. The central cause to these problems is the unsustainable economic path we are following which is depleting the natural world, causing a dangerous climate and creating huge social inequality. We are entering a period of ‘unravelling’ and collapse which we are not prepared for.
The work of this Feasta group is focused on understanding the psychological roots of our current predicament and learning how we build personal and collective resilience to the current and coming crises.
Since 2019 we have organised a number of “Living Well in the Face of Crisis’ workshops which supported participants to cope emotionally and to respond constructively.
Background reading for group
Cultivating Hope and Managing Despair in the Feasta book Fleeing Vesuvius – Hope in the Face of Disaster – Creating a sustainable, viable, future path for civilisation
‘Changing World, Changing Minds’ series first published in the Irish Times which explores our emotional response to the climate emergency and biodiversity collapse
– The Psychology of Climate Change: Overcoming inertia