Feasta online event: Living well in a time of crisis

Wed 23rd March, 7pm-8:30pm (via Zoom)

With climate breakdown all around us, the sixth great extinction well underway, and now the outbreak of a major European war – with a full blown energy and economic crisis looming, times have never been more worrying and challenging.

This Feasta workshop, facilitated by John Sharry, looked at our emotional response to these crises and how we can ensure that we are not disabled but, instead, maintain a creative, thoughtful, empathic response as we navigate our way forward. The online workshop was interactive and supportive – with time for breakouts and small group discussions.

John Sharry is a social worker, trustee of Feasta, co-founder of the Parents Plus Charity, an Irish Times Health columnist, adjunct professor at the UCD School of Psychology and author of 14 psychology and parenting books. He has written a series of articles on the psychological factors that inform our collective response to the climate/ biodiversity crisis, as well as steps we can take towards action.

Featured image: Sunset at lake. Author: mmigan. Source: https://www.freeimages.com/photo/sunset-at-lake-1559507

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