Ireland’s Climate Case: events on Jan 17, 18, 19 and public hearing starting on Jan 22

We support Friends of the Irish Environment’s ‘Climate Case Ireland’ which is taking legal action against the Irish Government’s failure to take the required action to avert dangerous climate change. The hearing, which is public, will take place next week, from January 22 on.

If you’re in Ireland and want to show some support beforehand please consider attending some or all of these events:

1. Message to the Earth: Thursday January 17th, Fumbally Stables, 6.30-9pm

This is an event that features an exhibition and short, informal talks on the themes of nature, connection, and inspiring change in Fumbally Stables. Check it out on Facebook.

2. Poster making evening in Patagonia: Friday January 18th, Patagonia, Exchequer St, 6.30-8.30pm

An opportunity for activists and volunteers to gather together in advance of the rally and make posters.

3. Children’s Rally for Climate Action: Saturday January 19th, Kildare St 4pm.

The plan is to essentially take the support for Climate Case Ireland to the streets, and to particularly highlight young voices affected by climate change. See Facebook event here.

4. Climate Case: Full Hearing, Tuesday January 22nd, Four Courts 10.45am

The court hearing is not an opportunity for a rally or demonstration; FOI will not be bringing banners/posters etc, and would ask that others don’t on that day either. There will be a photo at 10am, and the hearing is public – anyone and everyone is welcome to enter the court to attend the hearing, subject to space availability in the courtroom!

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