Submission to the European Commission on a strategy for long-term greenhouse gas reductions

In this submission we argue that the EC’s overall goals need to be re-examined if it is truly to eliminate greenhouse gases within the EU. The focus now needs to be on wellbeing, not on growth.

To help bring about this change of priority we recommend a range of high-level policy changes, which include the adoption of alternative metrics to GDP for measuring prosperity and wellbeing, the decoupling of the EU’s payment systems from economic growth, the implementation of Cap and Share to eliminate fossil fuel production while emphasising climate justice, the introduction of land value tax and other resource-based taxes, and a universal basic income.

The submission mainly took the form of an online questionnaire but there was also an option to attach a document with additional information. You can read our answers to the questionnaire here, but they are not very informative as the questionnaire’s format was quite rigid with limited space provided for answers. So we attached a referenced version of our questionnaire responses with some additional notes, which is a more substantive read and can be downloaded here.

Featured image: window in Portugal. Source:

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