Towards climate safety and justice: briefing and discussion about CapGlobalCarbon

Cap Global Carbon - Initial notice .001On the afternoon of June 8th 2016 in Dublin there will be a briefing on CapGlobalCarbon. CapGlobalCarbon is a proposal for non-governmental actors to create a new global system to

(a) make sure the necessary reductions in total global carbon emissions are achieved
(b) reduce emissions in a way that also reduces poverty and inequality.

The system would operate as a back-up to the inter-governmental negotiations and provide vital reinforcement to community-led climate initiatives worldwide.

The purpose of this afternoon is to brief attendees on the proposal, set it in a context of the commons and social justice, and to generate ideas about how to implement CapGlobalCarbon.

June 8th, 2016
Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier St, Dublin 2

This is a 10-minute radio interview about the briefing, from Near FM, with Caroline Whyte (who will be on the panel):

This is a free event, but a small donation would be appreciated to help meet the cost of room hire.
Please circulate this email and attached poster to as many people as possible.

To register, email with Dublin Briefing in the subject line and giving your name and organisational affiliation if you have one.

The event will be followed by a day-long seminar in Cloughjordan on June 9th:

Towards Climate Safety and Justice
How do we achieve a just transition from fossil fuels?

Thursday 9th June, WeCreate Workspace, Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Tipperary

The following day, Thursday June 9th, Feasta is hosting an event to bring together activists, researchers and policy makers from environmental, climate, social justice, development and divestment movements.

We will be exploring how we cap carbon and looking at emerging ideas and initiatives that are inspiring a citizens movement for a fair and sustainable transition from fossil fuels.

10.30 – 12.30 
 Cap Global Carbon: A stepping stone to safety.

14.30 – 17.00
 Making The Transition: Building momentum for a just and fossil fuel free future.

These events are free of charge and include a delicious local lunch.

To request a place send an email to with Cloughjordan Event in the subject line and giving your name, organisation and area of interest in the mail.

More about CapGlobalCarbon

In order to minimise the risks of irreversible climate change, CapGlobalCarbon (CGC) aims to ensure that the aggregate global emissions from fossil fuels steadily decrease to zero. This would be achieved by a progressively tightening cap on fossil fuel extraction. Furthermore, revenues from the auction of extraction permits would benefit the lowest consumers of fossil fuels. This compensation could substantially alleviate poverty and reduce global inequality. By steadily and predictably reducing the global dependence on fossil fuels the process proposed by CapGlobalCarbon would also hasten a smooth transition to a zero-carbon economy.

This system would act as a back-up to the UNFCCC negotiations, ensuring that the global community finally achieves effective action on climate change.It would help locally-based climate initiatives around the world to flourish by protecting them from the undermining influence of corporate lobbyists. 

Read more about CapGlobalCarbon at
CapGlobalCarbon is a proposal by members of Feasta. We are looking for other individuals and organisations to help implement it.

Note: Feasta is a forum for exchanging ideas. By posting on its site Feasta agrees that the ideas expressed by authors are worthy of consideration. However, there is no one ‘Feasta line’. The views of the article do not necessarily represent the views of all Feasta members.