Powerpoint and posters on unconventional gas

This powerpoint and series of posters were prepared by Brian Davey for Frack Free Notts (an anti-fracking campaign in Nottinghamshire in the UK). They provide a succinct overview of the problems with fracking. The posters are PDFs and work best when printed out in A1 (large) size.

Unconventional Gas (powerpoint)


Why oppose ‘unconventional gas’?

Unconventional Gas – Why Now?

Bridge to a low carbon future?

Will regulation make unconventional gas safe?

Unconventional Gas and Jobs

You can also listen to a debate that Brian Davey had in June 2014 with John Blaymires of iGas (an advocate of fracking) in Everton, Nottinghamshire at http://yourlisten.com/FrackFreeNotts/igas-vs-frack-free.

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