Cultivating sustainable and ethical prosperity with basic income

This paper by Anne Ryan examines the role of basic income in constructing a dynamic, diverse and democratic social economy. ‘Basic income’ means a regular, sufficient and unconditional income, administered by the state and issued to every member of society. Ryan places basic income in the context of a wider framework of important reforms and believes that it could be implemented during the current crisis in Ireland.

Climate activists in India are taking the litigation route

Anandi Sharan writes that "the post-Milton Friedman era is not throwing up new answers easily for thinking people across the world and the same is the case in India. Pollution, unemployment and poverty in India as in all other countries are receiving only the most shoddy consideration at policy level." So what is to be done? Sharan and her colleagues are considering taking legal action against the Indian government to force it to cut greenhouse gas emissions, along the same lines as those described by John Jopling in his post last week.