Mark Rutledge – Cap and Share: mechanisms to share scarce resources and provide economic incentives for renewable energy and efficiency investment.

Mark Rutledge argued that the adoption of Cap and Share, Feasta’s proposed framework for a global climate treaty, is a necessary tool for dealing with peak oil and the current world recession. Unless it is used, he said, any economic recovery will be strangled at birth as oil prices rise again.

Mark Rutledge is country director with The Ecology Foundation having spent 20 years working with a number of global healthcare companies, most recently as European Supply Chain Director with a major healthcare company. With a B.Sc. from NUIM, Mark graduated with a M.Sc. in environmental science from UCD in 2007. His final thesis is centred on aspects of the carbon cycle, central to any discussion on climate change. Prior to joining The Ecology Foundation, Mark worked as a consultant to the Dail parliamentary committee on Climate Change and Energy Security. He is an executive member with a number of NGOs that are involved in the areas of environment and climate change and travelled to the COP13 and COP14 climate change summits. Mark has also delivered lectures on climate change at colleges and conferences in the UK and Ireland.

Recorded on day two of The New Emergency Conference: Managing Risk and Building Resilience in a Resource Constrained World. Held on 10-12 June 2009, All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, Ireland.

Full Conference Proceedings
Recordings of all presentations.

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