Feasta Energy and Climate Group – Public meeting

Date: Friday, 27th July, 7.30 pm, sharp.
Venue: Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2.
An evening of presentations and discussions on the theme:

climate change, peak oil and global equity
by members of the group.

Members of the group, including those visiting from Britain for the annual meeting at Glencree, presented the latest information on the timing of the peaks in oil, gas and coal production and how this relates to the climate crisis. Other topics included a discussion on whether the EU’s target of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees C above the pre-industrial level is adequate and how rapid a reduction in fossil energy use it would entail.

The group has spent the past year developing the Cap and Share framework for dividing up the limited amount of greenhouse gases that can be released without breaching whatever temperature-rise target is chosen amongst the people of the world. The principles behind Cap and Share were explained and the meeting heard a report on the progress that has been made on getting C&S put into use.

Note: Feasta is a forum for exchanging ideas. By posting on its site Feasta agrees that the ideas expressed by authors are worthy of consideration. However, there is no one ‘Feasta line’. The views of the article do not necessarily represent the views of all Feasta members.